How can I modify the destination of my QR-Code?
If the information originally stored in the QR-Code is outdated or even incorrect, it should be replaced. If possible, this must be done without changing the appearance and coding of the current QR-Code, as this is usually already printed and in distribution. However, to moditfy an already existing QR-Code is only possible if it is a dynamic one. If you have generated a static one, you will unfortunately be in a hopeless situation and will have to create a completely new QR-Code. The old one will then become useless.
Finished! The same QR-Code will now lead you to the new information!
Are there any problems with the modification or do you no longer know your login data? Then simply contact the support of the provider you used. It is recommended to send a photo of your QR-Code. That way your account can be identified more easily and the problem can usually be solved more quickly.